How Ayurvedic methods differ to modern medicine
The origin and beauty of Ayurveda, nature's medicine
A short introduction to Ayurvedic anatomy
Building healthier daily habits through ahimsa (non-violence)
Anxiety and your Ayurvedic personality type
The changes of autumn: balancing wind energy
Foods to cool the body in summer
13 Ayurveda & yoga tips to keep cool in summer
Prana and your body: optimum health with Ayurveda
The earth mother: Kapha people are loving and strong
Passion and power: Pitta people are fiery
Free spirits: Vata people are creative and adaptable
Why Ayurveda is wrong about dairy
Digestion, NutritionJacqui Gibbonsdairy, milk, nutrition, sattvic, nut milk, plant milk, Vata, ama, mucus, almond milk
What’s so good about Ayurvedic facial massage?
Pragyaparadha: here's the reason you get ill
11 signs of good digestion. Can you tick them all?
The reason you feel overwhelmed + 3 tips for coping
A simple guide to the doshas and their effect on you
Prakriti, DoshasJacqui GibbonsVata, Kapha, Pitta, doshas, prakriti, earth, fire, space, wind, water
Six ways to have more energy every day!
Turmeric is not the only spice! The top 10 for digestion