Restorative yoga classes in Streatham, Clapham & Brixton

Time to deeply rest, release & recuperate


Let it all go… mental tension, physical tightness, forgetting to breathe, stress, busyness, overactive mind, job, kids, housework, deadlines, daily worries. Allow yourself to basically lie on the floor and be nurtured for an hour! I create a supported, peaceful, nourishing space where YOUR relaxation is your only priority.

Restorative yoga is done mostly lying down, with the body supported in various positions using bolsters, blankets and blocks. This gives a passive release of muscular tension and stiffness. Staying in the postures for several minutes each allows the nervous system to calm down out of fight-flight-freeze mode into the resting state. The breath slows, softens and moves with freedom. The mind becomes still, quiet and peaceful. I reckon it’s safe to say that almost everyone in London needs this! 

You will need two yoga bolsters, a yoga blanket or or other small blanket, and four flat yoga blocks (NOT the brick-shaped ones. I can send you links to be sure you get the right ones. The right equipment is important for restorative yoga.

Suitable for all. Booked in blocks of six, held weekly or more. 
60 minutes. Single trial lesson: £50. Block of six: £270.
Currently via Zoom.


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